SIA “Rumba-V” 

In the plastic manufacturing, we offer our own products and also perform customized casting.


We perform manufacturing of plastic products, using pressure casting method. The company owns 10 casting machines, which are equipped with thermoregulators, automatic material supply and drying devices, pneumatic
material feeders and closed coolant system. The applied pressing force is starting from 32 tonnes up to 400 tonnes. Also parts up to 900 cm3 can be made. The existing recycling facilities allow reducing the manufacturing cost of parts.

We offer creation and making of new molds for manufacturing of plastic products, or manufacturing of products by using the customer’s mold. We ensure delivery of products to the customer and guarantee of quality of delivered products.

SIA “Rumba-V” 

Information for orders and inquiries

Phone: +371 67 620 215
GSM: +371 28 338 355
Fakss: +371 67 620 616

Orders and consultations


Non-standard metal constructions

Non-standard metal constructions

Manufacture of metal structures. Sheet cutting, folding.


Plastic products

Plastic products

We offer our products in plastic production


Steel and aluminum

Stainless steel and aluminum

Sale of stainless steel and aluminum rolled products.


Metalworking and molds

Metalworking and molds

Manufacture, testing and repair of molds, dies.

Phone: +371 67 620 215

Orders and consultations